Best sites for those getting into photography.

Some of you new photographers have asked for my opinion on the “best” digital camera. Well, this question has been asked thousands of times throughout the internet and the answer, in my opinion is not one specific brand or model. The best camera for you might be different for me or the next person.
If you are new to photography and are looking to buy your first DSLR, you might want to visit the various companies selling them. Here are a few of them:
– Nikon USA
– Canon USA
– Pentax
– Sony
– Panasonic
These are some of the brands you can look into, where Nikon and Canon are the most popular. I suggest you read camera reviews, some good places are and CNET. Of course there are many other reputable review sites, but be aware that some tend to push a certain brand/make or model. For example, Ken Rockwell’s site has some very good camera reviews, however they are mostly Nikon and Canon. He also tends to lean more towards Nikon’s but as long as you overlook this, the reviews are worth reading.
As for where to buy your camera? Well that’s really up to you, many prefer to buy it locally at a camera shop nearby. but if you choose to buy online, for new items I would suggest,, or
Hope these links help you make the best decision for your situation. Now don’t hesitate, if photography has always interested you, no matter of your age, it’s never too late to start. Buy a camera you can afford, new or used and start having fun!